Anna Holtzman -Therapist
Anna Holtzman aids those who are in chronic pain. She works as a coach and therapist for chronic pain recovery. She suffered from migraines for many years, and as the agony worsened, her life became less and less. She is determined to help others regain their lives after discovering the mind-body technique and overcoming chronic pain.
She holds a licensed mental health counsellor (LMHC) and a certified professional coach (CPC) license in the State of New York.
My Story
Anna Holtzman assists individuals in reestablishing the connection between their body and mind in order to alleviate trauma and chronic pain. To put it simply, she works as a group facilitator, educator, coach, and therapist.
Her own path of overcoming childhood sexual trauma and overcoming over a decade of severe migraines led me to specialize on chronic pain and trauma ("TMS" for any of you familiar with that term for stress-related physiological symptoms*).
Expressive journaling is one of her favorite methods for healing, both personally and professionally!
A few interesting facts:
As a native New Yorker, she currently resides in Brooklyn, which is her third borough in Manhattan Queens.
At the youthful age of 38, she met her sweetheart on Tinder—six years ago!
Their three orange kitties are part of the family. (For obvious reasons, they also have three vacuum cleaners.)
She also worked as a video editor on reality TV shows for ten years prior to doing what she does now. (To put it briefly, her work forced her to seek therapy;