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Marie-McKenzie-Sexual Assualt Recovery Coach

Marie McKenzie, who was once silenced by the consequences of sexual attack, has dedicated her life to assisting women in overcoming the triggers of their own sexual assault and reestablishing connection with their spouses. She established the International Sexual Assault Recovery Institute as a result.

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My Story

Having worked as a sexual assault nurse examiner in both clinical and community settings for more than 25 years, Marie combines her professional experience with the methods and strategies that helped her personal recovery process. Her goal is to give survivors the confidence that they are never alone and that there is a viable and empowering way to deal with their triggers.


Known for her best-selling and award-winning autobiography, Things That Keep Me Up at Night, Marie describes her journey from being sexually assaulted when she was eleven years old to her eventual triumph. Her book is a ray of optimism, inspiring readers to embrace a purpose-driven existence, find their voices, and share their tales.


Marie doesn't shy away from her calling, proudly declaring, "I guide women in conquering their sexual assault triggers and rekindling intimacy within their relationships."

When Marie isn't assisting ladies on their journey, she works with a number of organizations that support people who have experienced a range of traumas. She and her husband, George, appreciate the exciting lifestyle that Orlando, Florida has to offer.

Easy To Reach-Marie McKenzie

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